Webinar - updating your medium-term financial plan

Online on Teams (a recording will be available shortly afterwards)
Starts: Fri 30th June 2023, 10.00 am
Ends: Fri 30th June 2023, 11.30 am
Many authorities will now have begun refreshing their medium-term financial plans for 2024-25. Our Pixel MTFP model is also being updated and will be available in late May 2023. The model will help to provide you with guidance on assumptions and forecasts that can be used in your own plans.
At this webinar, we will talk through the changes that we have made to the MTFP model, and outline the key assumptions and variables for 2024-25.
- Applying Policy Statement and AS22 assumptions to 2024-25 funding
- Discussion around medium-term assumptions for Band D thresholds, and growth in SFA, social care, and other grants
- Future of BRRS and New Homes Bonus
- Timing and potential impact of the local government funding reforms (Fair Funding Review, baseline reset)