Pixel - informal webinar on 2023 Revaluation and funding for social care charging reforms

This event has already passed.

Online on Teams

Starts: Thu 22nd September 2022, 10.00 am

In this informal webinar, we will discuss two of the current "live" consultations: 

  • 2023 Revaluation: technical adjustment to the business rates retention scheme.
  • Social care charging reforms: distribution of funding in 2023-24

We will discuss the proposals, address any specific questions that you have, and talk through how you might respond to these consultations.  

You do not need to register for the webinar but if you do want to send in a question in advance, you can do so either by email or by using the booking form below.  

The webinar will start at 10am and finish at 11am.  

Slides from the webinar (sorry, the recording did not work)

Contact us for more information or to book

Pixel - informal webinar on 2023 Revaluation and funding for social care charging reforms

This event has already passed.

Online on Teams

Starts: Thu 22nd September 2022, 10.00 am

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