Webinar - update - September 2022

Online on Teams
Starts: Mon 12th September 2022, 10.10 am
In our next webinar, we will be looking at what has – and hasn’t – happened in local government funding over the Summer. Of course, we had been expecting a technical consultation before the Summer Recess, with proposals for a 2-year settlement. The upheaval within government meant that did not happen, leaving local government with a great deal of uncertainty about the future. The rapid increase in inflation has also changed the financial landscape to an enormous degree.
- Update on medium-term financial planning for local government. Adrian will work through the key issues affecting local government funding, including inflation, 2-year settlement and future funding reforms. A change of prime minister (which we will have confirmed on 5 September) will have implications for fiscal policy, the funding of local government, and tax-setting – all of which ultimately affects local government funding.
- Local authority financial accounts 2021-22. Dan will take a "first look at the 2021-22 financial accounts". It will include a sectoral look at balance sheet health including reserves, capital and borrowing and investment properties.
- Consultation on Social care charging reforms. The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has published a consultation on the funding for the adult social care charging reforms. The additional costs for local authorities could be considerable – and there is a danger that under-funding the new responsibilities adds to financial pressures in local government. We will look at the proposals and how they affect different types of local authority. The deadline for responses to the consultation is open until 23 September 2022.
- Consultation on Business Rates Revaluation and Central List. A consultation was launched on 5 September 2022 and we will briefly look at its implications for local authorities.
From 11am to 11.30am we will have further discussion about any issues arising from the webinar.
The webinar will be recorded and we will make it available on the website as soon as we can.
Slides for webinar on 12 September 2022